'/> How to Make Quick Waterless Nikujaga (Simmered Meat and Potatoes) in a Staub Cocotte - Hukum Ohm

How to Make Quick Waterless Nikujaga (Simmered Meat and Potatoes) in a Staub Cocotte

Anhydrous Nicotine (cooked meat Ö‡ potatoes) with the power of coconut

Hello everyone, have a good day. Today I will show you how to cook a special dish, how to cook anhydrous nikujaga (boiled meat Ö‡ potatoes) in coconut steak every week. It's one of my favorites. I do it a little differently for me. It is considered fragrant Ö‡ sweet.

When it comes to preparing healthy foods for families, there is always some level of disagreement. Surprisingly, there are useful recipes, but the nutritional value of these recipes is somewhat hidden. In such cases, what you don't know shouldn't affect your lifestyle (with the exception of allergies, which can't be ignored).

The same goes for dinner if we use your soup or pasta - a box of cheese or something instead of using our creative efforts to cook a quick, easy, yet delicious dish. You can see a lot of ideas in this article: these ideas are expected to not only finish your R-UT afternoon, but we will all come up with them at some point Ö‡ ourselves. New, independent.

First of all, maybe not all fantastic dinners need to be cooked properly. Some people want to use a microwave, while others want to cook or at least cook or heat it. Once you really understand the concept of creation that needs to be there, the possibilities are endless. Many of these ideas are so simple you might wonder why you didn't think of them. I sincerely hope some of these ideas complement the main features of your home.

The taste of anhydrous nijaga (fried meat: potatoes) in cocoa steak is influenced by many things, from the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients to the way they are prepared and served. Do not worry if you want to cook anhydrous nikujaga (boiled meat Ö‡ potatoes) in homemade sweet potatoes, because the recipe you know in advance, this dish can be used as a special dish.

Strawberries contain twice as many servings of dried niqab (boiled meat and potatoes). So make sure that this area is big enough for you to serve your loved ones.

To start this recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients. You can eat anhydrous nikujaga (boiled meat Ö‡ potatoes) with 10 ingredients in 19 tablespoons of stew. Here's how to cook it.

I wanted to make regular nicotine, but tried to get this anhydrous version of nicotine in deer coconut. Given which vegetables have the most moisture, I was able to bring back something very satisfying. *For tips on getting enough moisture, see tips 12-17. Taste Õ¸Ö‚Õ©ÕµÕ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¨ Ingredients vary depending on many variables. Recipe from *ai*:

Ingredients Ö‡ spices. Drink anhydrous nicotine (cooked meat Ö‡ potatoes) to act on the power of the coconut.

  1. 100 g fine beef "A" (minced)
  2. 3 potatoes (cut into 3-4 cm pieces)
  3. 1 large "A" onion (thinly cut into 1.5 cm pieces)
  4. 1 1/2 tablespoons "B" sugar.
  5. 2 teaspoons of myrrh "B".
  6. 1 tablespoon of sachet "B"
  7. 1 tablespoon "B" soybeans.
  8. 4 pins "B" dash cereal
  9. 1 g/g soy "C".
  10. 1 vegetable oil (or beef)

Instructions for cooking anhydrous nikudzhaga (cooked meat Ö‡ potatoes) in strawberries.

  1. Cut out the "A" elements. The size of the potatoes and carrots will affect the cooking time, so cut them according to the menu.
  2. Heat a small amount of fat (or beef) in the coconut powder over medium heat. Then add ground beef and fry until golden brown.
  3. After frying, add the onions and potatoes from stage 1 and cook together.
  4. If the onions and potatoes are well coated with oil, add the "B" spices and mix well.
  5. When the spices are well coated, cover and cook over medium heat for 30 seconds.
  6. After 30 seconds, reduce the heat to low. Then set the timer for 10 minutes.
  7. After 10 minutes open the lid Ö‡ add the soybeans “C” Ö‡ mix well. Change the lid Ö‡ Set the timer for 10 minutes.
  8. Turn off the heat after 10 minutes. Leave on ice for 30 minutes to 1 hour Ö‡ leave to taste.
  9. Stir the potatoes for at least 30 minutes without stirring. * If you wish, you can do this with a small wooden spoon.
  10. And here is your most delicious nothing ready. Potatoes are very tasty and tender, they use only vegetable spices and moisture.
  11. Letting it cool for a while is delicious. Reheat before serving.
  12. []]]
  13. Our family member doesn't like carrots, so we don't add any. If you add carrots, replace some potatoes with carrots.
  14. After trying a few options, I realized that if you used fewer ingredients (about half) it would be like sukiyaki.
  15. Adjust the amount of ingredients according to the size of the coconut.
  16. [Note.] The size of the onion is very important for its moisture retention, as this recipe does not use water.
  17. Do not reduce the size of the onions to add more potatoes and/or carrots.
  18. If you add very moist vegetables, the liquid will be abundant, so the taste and sweetness of the potatoes will be different.
  19. If using very moist vegetables, reduce the size of the onion or open the lid to allow the moisture to evaporate easily before turning off the heat in step 8.

These are just a few steps you can take to begin the process of preparing a balanced diet for your family. Before you know it, you will realize that you all have more energy and health than you thought. But if that's not enough to lift your spirits, just look at the reason you buy new clothes right after the throw or 2.

So here are the special stages of Nikujagi without night water (boiled meat Ö‡ potatoes) this week in Coconut Starch. Thank you for your time. I'm sure you will do it at home. Homemade recipes will be delicious dishes. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser to share it with your family, colleagues and friends. Thanks again for reading. Continue cooking.

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